Implementing a 30-60-90 Day Plan When Hiring New Employees

Training a new hire is a time consuming, but necessary task for both the employer and new employee. The first 90 days of the assignment is typically a transitional period that ultimately determines whether or not a good hire was made for your medical staff.  A popular method many companies use to help track progress and make the transition as seamless as possible is the 30-60-90 day plan.

A 30-60-90 plan is a written outline of the onboarding strategy and expectations for the first three months of the job.  The plan helps ensure that the employee understands what the job entails and shows how they will go from a promising job candidate to a full-time contributor.  Below we’ll discuss each section of the plan and how to implement it, so that you can monitor progress and get your new hire up to speed as quickly as possible.


A 30-60-90 plan should start with a short, high-level summary that outlines what the employee is expected to accomplish in the first 3 months on the job.

30 Days

The 30-day portion of the plan should be made up of introductory job tasks including time spent training, shadowing other nurses, learning the healthcare organization’s systems and software, reviewing procedures, and studying up on organization specific protocols.  Most of the items in this section will have to do with attending training, gaining knowledge of the particular workspace, and learning specific systems.  The first part of the plan is all about the employee getting their feet wet.  Even if you don’t have a lot of time to train your new hire, having a plan for what knowledge they need to learn will help them get up to speed much more quickly.

60 Days

The second month on the job should focus more on field or independent time—less training, more doing.  While the first 30 days were for ramping up, the next should take that learned knowledge and apply it towards accomplishing tasks.  This section will outline how the employee is expected to contribute towards patient care.   As the employer, you should also schedule time to review progress and provide feedback during this month.

90 Days

The last month of the provisional period should show the steps the employee will take to go from novice to leader.  This is the 30-day period when the employee will take a more proactive role in the organization.  They should be up to speed, rolling with independence, and providing care to patients.  A superstar employee will begin making suggestions on how to provide better and more efficient care, implementing new strategies, and addressing initiatives

The 30-60-90 plan is a great tool to measure the progress of nurses and other healthcare professionals and make sure your new hire is an asset to the organization.  Successful planning leads to an improved facility.

Need help finding top healthcare staff for your organization?

Let the experienced recruiters at BOS Medical Staffing help.  Since 2008, BOS Medical has brought talented nurses, therapists and medical administrators together with top facilities. Contact BOS Medical today to talk about customized staffing solutions.

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