Physical Therapists 2018 Will be Your Year


It isn’t difficult to see why physical therapists are in a sector of healthcare that is predicted to skyrocket for 2018 and beyond. The current and future need for physical therapists is going to be great- that’s a reasonable assumption even without data to back it up. Given the growth of the senior population alone it’s pretty obvious that physical therapists are going to be in demand. But, there are several other reasons that make physical therapy a very solid and secure career choice.

Projected Job Growth for Physical Therapists


Those who feel called to a rewarding career that’s also as secure as can be and offers terrific opportunities for growth and entrepreneurship need look no further than physical therapy. Both physical therapists and PT assistants can expect to see a whopping 34% growth in the need for physical therapists within the next ten years.

These jobs are across the healthcare marketplace, with private practice, physicians offices, home healthcare, and skilled nursing facilities being among the top employers. Additionally hospitals and self-employed physical therapists round out the list of employers looking for qualified PT and PT assistants. In short, anyone who is looking for a position as a PT will encounter no shortage of available positions that need filled.


Choose Your Job Location


Another benefit for those in PT beginning in 2018 is the ability to maintain licensure in more than one state. The multi-state licensure compact allows physical therapists to seek employment across state lines and does not call for a waiting period for that PT to become licensed in the state of relocation. This new licensure compact essentially grants practice privileges to physical therapists in multiple states under one licensure.

The benefits to the PT are many. You will now be able to relocate and begin working right away. You can travel between states and work where you are most needed. Most importantly, you will be able to bring your skills to areas where they are lacking qualified physical therapists. Not all states in the US are currently part of the licensure compact. However a minimum of 10 states was needed to ensure passage of the compact, and that number seems to be growing as more states get onboard with this sensible practice.


Choose Your Specialty


The “Baby Boomer Generation” is aging out and that absolutely creates a demand for qualified physical therapists, however that isn’t the only reason. Strides are continually being made in orthopedics, neurology, cardiac care and the like which create a need for physical therapy. In fact the need for qualified physical therapists to work with individuals of all ages is already great. Sports medicine, spinal injury, and many different surgeries all require some degree of rehabilitation to regain motion and manage pain, resulting in physical therapists being called upon in growing numbers.

The location of your specialty can also be within your control. You decide, based upon the type of PT you wish to practice, where you want to be. Schools, outpatient clinics, home health agencies, nursing facilities, hospitals, and even some senior centers and employer settings are all growing in their needs for physical therapists.


Be Your Own Boss


Private physical therapy centers are also growing. Nearly 22% of those licensed to practice physical therapy are owners of their own practice, or co-owners and partners in businesses that offer physical therapy services. Home health physical therapy practitioners are a growing sector of the PT community.


Job Satisfaction for Physical Therapists


The future for physical therapists is looking bright as far as job security and stability, but a career in PT offers many gratifying rewards that go beyond the job. The satisfaction you gain from seeing a patient utilize the therapies you’ve introduced in order to overcome some serious limitations, conquer chronic pain, and maintain an independent lifestyle, no matter what the age, is life-changing. A physical therapist, as many who are called to careers in the healthcare arena, gains a personal satisfaction from being able to make a difference in the quality of life of their patients.

A recent Forbes poll ranked physical therapist as having the highest level of job satisfaction among several healthcare-related and non healthcare-related careers. Many studies point to a career as a PT as being among the happiest jobs in the US. The personal satisfaction related to the gratification felt by physical therapists is most directly related to the benefits physical therapists offer to society.


As healthcare in the US continues to grow and change, and medicine continues to evolve, one thing is certain; a growing population of children and adults, young and nor-so-young, are going to require the services of physical therapists. The future looks bright-in 2018, and beyond-for those entering the physical therapy job market. After all, a career in physical therapy offers security, satisfaction, and is one of the happiest jobs in any field. What more could you ask for?


Physical therapists and many other positions in the healthcare field are available right now. Put your healthcare job search in our hands. Contact BOS Medical Staffing for help finding the position that’s right for you.


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