Healthcare Recruiting Tips: Ways to Build a More Inclusive Nursing Staff

The nursing workforce in the United States is more diverse than ever. And because of that, an inclusive culture and approach with your facility’s nursing staff are of paramount importance. Unfortunately, this isn’t always something that’s been at the top of the social consciousness. So, why is inclusion so important at your healthcare facility, and what can you do to make your nursing staff more inclusive?

What exactly does inclusion mean?

In the world of nursing and in any other profession, inclusion simply means fostering a work environment in which all individuals are treated fairly and with respect, and that all of those individuals have equal opportunities. An inclusive nursing staff means that no nurse is excluded from any aspect of the job based on things like race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or preference, age, religion, or culture.

Why is an inclusive staff important?

Inclusion is important in nursing because all of your nurses deserve equal treatment. It’s the moral and ethical thing to do. Beyond that, a diverse and inclusive work environment is suitable for patients. Having a diverse range of nurses that hail from different backgrounds and cultures — and including every one of those nurses in all aspects of patient care — means that you’re able to serve the widest range of patients. It also creates a dynamic, multi-faceted workforce and fosters creativity and innovation where it matters most.

How can facilities build more inclusive nursing staff?

Here are some tips for building a more inclusive nursing staff at your facility:

  • Focus on building a culture of inclusivity, equality, fairness, and respect. It comes from the top down.
  • Educate yourself on bias and prejudice so that you can know what it looks like when you see it. Then, you can take steps to eliminate it.
  • Add inclusivity training to your standard educational efforts if it isn’t there already. Make sure all members of your nursing staff are aware of what’s expected of them in terms of supporting the inclusive culture at your facility.
  • Consider partnering with HR professionals or counselors to assess and bolster the diversity, inclusivity, and equality among your nursing staff.
  • Be flexible and keep an open mind. Lead by example, and your nurses will follow suit.


Start Building Your Inclusive Staff Today

Need help finding and hiring the very best nurses to build your inclusive work environment? We can help with that. Call BOS Medical or visit us online to get started.

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