Before Applying to Your First Nursing Job, Consider These 14 Insights

You’ve dreamed about this moment since you decided to go into nursing. Now the time has come for you to apply for your first nursing job. This is the inaugural step on a career path you hope will last a lifetime. There’s so many ways you need to prepare for this momentous occasion and we’re here to help you do just that.

When you apply for any job you want to stand out for all the right reasons. A job in the healthcare industry is not different. You already possess the unique set of skills and knowledge you need to provide excellent patient care. What comes next is applying those skills and honing that knowledge in a way that serves you, your healthcare organization and, most of all, your patients, for a long time to come. 

Consider These 14 Insights Before You Apply for Your First Nursing Job

Although nurses are in high demand that doesn’t necessarily mean every nursing job for which you apply is a shoo-in. While the need for nurses is anticipated to grow in the coming years you have to get your well-prepared foot in the door first. 

Before you take that first step toward a satisfying and lifelong career in healthcare we’d like to offer these 14 insights for your consideration. When interview time arrives you’ll greet the day with confidence and a winning attitude. But first you need to apply to that job. Here are the keys to making your application and resume stand out and impress the decision makers. 

1. Identify Your Skill Set

As you know different nursing jobs require skills unique to that position. For example if you are a surgical nurse you should possess knowledge and skills that relate to surgery, a pediatric nurse must have an understanding of pediatric medicine and the unique skills that apply to this field. You’ll acquire a certain amount of the necessary skills on the job but first you must identify your key strengths, knowledge and skills before you know which first nursing job is right for you.

2. Consider Your Long Term Career Path

The only thing that’s certain? The uncertainty of life. That being stated, consider your long term career path and the goals along the way. Identify the kind of setting in which to grow your nursing career. Do you see yourself in a hospital or doctor’s office? Maybe you’d rather be in a skilled nursing environment like a long term care facility? Do you wish to advance your education by pursuing a BSN, NP or even a PA degree one day? Whatever your thoughts and goals for the future, your first nursing job is the beginning of realizing those goals. While you don’t always have the luxury of choosing your dream first nursing job you can focus on those positions that support your goals.

3. Overcome Your Inexperience

This is your first nursing job-of course you lack experience! But that doesn’t help when job posting after job posting states “experience required”. Keep in mind that many recruiters “farm” new nurses through your school or training program. If your school offers career support, talk to them. Another way to gain more experience? Contact a medical staffing agency. BOS Medical Staffing has many opportunities for you to gain the experience you need for your first nursing job. You’ll also have a chance to check out different clinical venues such as long term care facilities, doctors offices, home health care and hospitals, so you can find the ideal fit for your first nursing job. 

4. Identify The First Nursing Job You Want and Cover Your Bases

What’s your dream first nursing job? Look into that and do your research. Just like any job there are requirements and certain specifics of which you need to be aware. When you approach your interview with the requirements in mind you’re sure to impress the hiring manager.  Find out as much as you can about your dream first nursing job by reviewing any online presence they may have. Go to the employers website, follow them on social media and find out if they will have a representative attend any possible job fairs in your area. 

5. Keep an Open Mind

Your first nursing job may not be your first choice, or even your fifth choice. But you do have to start somewhere. Step out onto your career path with an open mind. You’re there to learn and grow in your chosen field and you need to soak up all the experience, skills and knowledge you can from whatever first nursing job you find. Real life scenarios are far different from anything you’ve experienced in your training and these are the scenarios that make or break a nurse. The more you put yourself out there, stay humble and open-minded to learning new things the better quality nurse you will become. Travel nursing is another way to gain new experiences and find out more ways to perform your tasks as they apply to different areas of the country.

6. Network 

One tried and true way to boost your opportunities for finding your first nursing job is by networking. Attend all the career fairs and job fairs you find. Many hospitals host their own recruiting events a few times a year. Check them out. You may not find your ideal first nursing job through these events but you will have an opportunity to get to know some of those “boots on the ground” who become invaluable to your career. Reach out to your nurse educators as well. They may have just the connection you need to score that first nursing job. 

7. Volunteer 

Whether you’re struggling with finding that ideal job or you aren’t exactly sure where you wish to be volunteering can help. You’ll gain some insight into what’s expected and even find out more about the culture of certain healthcare organizations. Through volunteering you’re building a resume and gaining experience. You’re also in an excellent position to learn about upcoming job opportunities and network with those in the know. 

8. Consider a Part-Time or Per Diem Position for Your First Nursing Job

If you can’t nail down a full-time spot right now then consider a part-time or per diem position. You’ll be in the right environment to build your resume, hone your skills and learn about real-time healthcare. Although a part-time first nursing job may not be what you want, keep in mind healthcare organizations often promote from within and when that full-time job does become available you’ll be first in line. 

9. Be Open to Different Shifts

Oftentimes it’s the newbie who draws the night shift. Be okay with that and any other requirements that may not be ideal. After all, patient care is 24/7. And if you are prepared to be okay with things like the night shift, field nurse and more, be ready to commit 100%. Make a plan for your success no matter what. You’re part of a team that keeps your healthcare organization running and providing the very best care for your patients. When you’re seen as a team player you earn the respect of your fellow nurses and management. That’s something that goes a long way in your first nursing job.

10. In Healthcare You’re Always Learning

When you’re a nurse you are a perpetual learner. And with your first nursing job you’re just getting started. Embrace the moments that offer an opportunity to gain experience and knowledge that makes you a better nurse. Your graduation and certification or licensure shouldn’t be seen as the end of being a student. There’s always more to learn when it comes to medicine and patient care. And there is nothing like learning on the job. Once you understand this concept you can convey your eagerness to learn new skills when applying for the position. That attitude is a winner with hiring managers and your healthcare peers too.

11. Continue Building Connections in Nursing

As we stated above, your licensure doesn’t signify the end of learning. Once you’re hired your career growth is nowhere near over. Professional development and growth opportunities are goals you’ll want to embrace. After all, when you are hired for your first nursing job there’s nowhere to go but up, right? That’s why it’s essential to your career satisfaction to continue building connections in the healthcare industry. At some point you may find you’ve gone as far as you can in your first nursing job and you’ve outgrown the healthcare organization. When you continue networking you’ll have a much easier time finding the next right opportunity for you. 

12. Stay Engaged with Your Peers

Sometimes you don’t land that first nursing job right away. But it’s important that you stay engaged as much as possible. Join professional nursing organizations or specialty groups for nurses and stay active. Volunteer when you can at healthcare events or within your community. Stay in touch with nurses from your program. Get out there as a nurse in any way you can. It looks good on your resume, promotes networking and helps with career development. 

13. Break Down The Process

Applying for your first nursing job can be overwhelming. Learn ways to compartmentalize each component of the process.

  • Create an engaging resumé
  • Write an appropriate and unique cover letter for each application
  • Highlight your accomplishments and achievements
  • Research the healthcare organizations mission and history
  • Practice your interview skills
  • Select the appropriate attire for your interview
  • Present a confident attitude but stay humble. Make eye contact, be pleasant and professional.

14. Get and Stay Organized

So much of your first nursing job is out of your control. You’re newly-minted and although you may have had clinical experience as part of your education it’s nothing like what’s to come. Inn order to hang on to some sense of certainty it’s important that you stay as organized as possible where you can. Be ready to hit the ground running. Make your job your focus, before, during and after your interview. 

Once you land your nursing job be ready to perform to the best of your ability. Avoid the morning chaos by making sure your scrubs are clean and ready to go, your meals are prepped and anything that has the potential to derail your thoughts has been taken care of before you enter the door of your workplace. 

BOS Medical Staffing: Here For Your First Step

Finding your first nursing job especially when your only experience has been as a student can be a struggle. That’s where BOS Medical Staffing can help. Let us uncomplicate the task and make it easier for all concerned. We have a broad range of nursing opportunities no matter your experience. First time nurses can gain their footing and find out what facet of a nursing career is right for them. Best of all with our experience team you’ll approach applying for your first nursing job with ease. 

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