Where Georgia Private Practices Go to Find RNs, LPNS, & CNAs

While the doctor’s name is usually on the practice, a private practice in Georgia is made up of many more individuals. RNs, LPNs, and CNAs are often the ones who provide the backbone of the practice. Your nursing staff is the driving force that keeps your patients happy and coming back. The right nursing staff underscores the confidence of the entire practice. That’s why it’s so very important that your Georgia private practice finds the right RNs, LPNs, and CNAs.

But where do you go to find these quality nurses, especially in a time of nursing shortages? In Georgia, private practices have a few choices for recruiting and hiring candidates. Here are some of the ways Georgia private practices find RNS, LPNs, and CNAs.

Online Job Boards

Whether you utilize a healthcare career-specific online job board (such as nurse-specific boards) or a general site (Indeed or LinkedIn, for example), advertising on a job board or finding a match via online job sites is one way to find the nursing staff you need. You’ll likely get a few potential candidates by utilizing this source. You’ll still need to interview and vet the applicants yourself, however. 

Professional Nursing Organizations

Many nursing schools and programs refer their graduates to professional associations as a way to find work and keep up with current trends in their chosen profession of nursing. Here are the top professional organizations and associations you can use to find nursing staff in Georgia:

  • Georgia Nurses Association: The GNA offers a job posting service to a large variety of nursing professionals.
  • Georgia LPN Association: The GLPNA supports LPNs throughout the state. You can post your open position through the CLPNA.
  • National Association of Healthcare Assistants: This is a national source for CNAs looking for job support and available work. While it is a national organization there are local chapters and your job posting goes out to those who may wish to relocate.

Georgia Nursing Schools

Partner with local certification programs through community colleges, state colleges, and universities. Attend their job fairs and advertise in their alumni publications. You may even participate in some of their clinical and preceptor programs and work with nursing students who could become permanent staff upon graduation.

Local Groups on Social Media

Love it or hate it, social media is a sure way to find an audience of nurses for future candidates. Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have local Georgia nursing forums where you can advertise your staff needs. Use social media to your advantage. Create your own professional page for your private practice and link to these organizations when you have a position to fill.

State Resources

Through specific resources like the Georgia Department of Labor or Workforce, Georgia connects private practices with eligible candidates. Workforce Georgia works with healthcare staff such as RNs, LPNs, and CNAs who are looking for employment.

Staffing Agencies

Private practices in Georgia can also work with staffing agencies. Very often, a busy private practice doesn’t have the time or manpower to effectively sort through potential candidates. At BOS Medical Staffing, we do all the work for you. Our candidates are vetted, and background checks are performed by us. We specialize in healthcare and recognize the specific needs of private practices in Georgia. 

BOS Medical Staffing is your number-one source for Georgia private practices seeking RNS, LPNs, and CNAs. We have nursing staff poised throughout our state in both large metropolitan communities and smaller rural areas ready to hit the ground running. If you need qualified nursing staff in Georgia please contact BOS Medical Staffing today.

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