How to Reduce Nursing Staff Turnover in Your Assisted Living Facility

It’s no secret that healthcare organizations are in the midst of a nursing staff crisis. Turnover rates climb higher everyday and retaining quality nursing staff is a problem that impacts everyone, especially patients. 

One of the highest turnover rates is in senior care facilities. According to a report from the Hospital and Healthcare Compensation Service a whopping 42% of CNAs who work at assisted living facilities left their jobs in 2022 and 2023 is expected to show similar stats. 40% of RNs opted to leave their assisted living position and LPNs left at about the same rate (39.7%).

So what can be done to stem the flow of good nurses out the door? And moreover, how can assisted living organizations find and retain staff in the face of a growing aging population? Here we offer some tips and suggestions that have proven successful in keeping quality nursing staff from walking out the door.

Prioritize Scheduling

Equitable workload and scheduling is just as important to your staff as competitive salary and excellent benefits. When you prioritize fair scheduling you show your nursing staff that they matter to you. Be flexible about scheduling conflicts and avoid short-staffing. If your nursing staff feels respected and heard they are more likely to value their job.

Make Staff Wellness a Focus

The health and wellbeing of your staff should be prioritized. After all, healthy nurses are happy nurses. Address any mental health concerns immediately. Nursing in any capacity always carries a risk for burnout but when working with elderly patients and residents there are apt to be even more challenges. If your staff knows you understand the pitfalls and emotional toll of the work they do they will appreciate their employer even more. Don’t deny them time off when they feel sick or exhausted. Also promote a healthy work-life balance. That is worth so much these days. If you expect your nurses to provide top notch care you need to take care of them in return!

Encourage Team Building

Nurses spend a great deal of time on the job and work closely with one another. Foster staff connectedness so the workplace is enjoyable for your nursing staff. Design a mentorship program so your new hires feel more confident, training sessions to promote career advancement and even off the clock opportunities for your nursing staff to socialize and have fun.

Support Your Staff

There are many ways you can support your staff that will reduce turnover in your assisted living facility. Encourage staff development. Offer some perks such as free childcare, meal vouchers, extra scrubs and work attire that they won’t get elsewhere. Find out some of the biggest stressors your staff faces in their work-life balance and do what you can to alleviate them. Get creative! 

Check In Regularly

It’s easy for morale to take a dive and low morale is contagious. Check in regularly with your nursing staff to gauge where they are as far as job satisfaction and team participation. You can have one-on-one sessions or group meetings on a regular basis and allow your staff to air their grievances. As challenges arise, take immediate action to resolve any issues. Foster clear communication and listen to your staff when they voice concerns. Nothing makes employees feel like abandoning ship more than an employer who just doesn’t listen. Act fast as small issues become large problems affecting your entire staff and ultimately result in turnover.

If your assisted living facility is experiencing excessive turnover please contact BOS Medical Staffing and find out how we can help.

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